Since 26/NOV/2001!

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A site for everyone who likes the Eurovision Song Contest

Here you can vote not only in your favourite songs in various categories, but also in your least favourite ones and in your favourite ESC countries

Webmaster: Peu (Pedro)

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Last update: 10/FEB/2025

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Active Pages Closed Pages
Best Songs Ever Chart Annual Charts, except 2024
Worst Songs Ever Chart
Countries' Chart
Winners' Chart
Nil Pointers' Chart
Hosts' Chart
Newcomers' Chart
2024 Chart
All ESC Countries National Charts
Personal Peu's All-Time Rankings (favourite and least favourite ESC songs in all categories) Personal Peu's Rankings on Youtube

Do you want to vote in my Charts? You can do it in each Charts page or by e-mail: or I will update it as soon as possible!

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