1961 CHART

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1961 Chart winner: The Allisons

Place Flag Country Title Points
1 United Kingdom Are you sure? 71
2 Spain Estando contigo 64
3 Luxembourg Nous les amoreaux 58
4 Italy Al di la 49
5 Monaco Allons, allons les enfants 48
6 Denmark Angelique 38
7 Finland Valoa ikkunassa 33
8 France Printemps (Avril carillonne) 29
9 Norway Sommer i Palma 26
10 Sweden April, April 20
11 Germany Einmal sehen wir uns wieder 18
12 Netherlands Wat een dag 15
13 Belgium September, gouden roos 12
13 Switzerland Nous aurons demain 12
15 Yugoslavia Neke davne zvezde 11
16 Austria Sehnsucht -14

There were 10 voters:


From Belgium:

Koen Neirynck (LUX)


From Portugal:

Alexandra (SPA), Ana Araújo (ITA), João Cunha (MON), Miguel Ângelo (ITA), Patrícia I. Nóbrega (GER), Pedro Miguel (UK), Pedro Reis (UK), Renato Freitas (DEN), Sofia Madeira (UK)